Boy Burps
Easter 2011
** Disclaimer - This post contains no pictures of anything I've made or monogrammed. Just some pics of my cute kids!

This one loaded out of order. This was the lawn before the kids were let loose. It's only about half of the eggs we "hid".
We had a very meaningful, fun and family-filled Easter Sunday. The girls woke early to tear into their Easter buckets and then get ready for church in their completely store-bought, non-matching outfits. After stressing way too much about what to dress/coordinate them in, I let go of all my deep-seated church attire notions and just let the day be about what it should be - the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (We still have fun with the Easter bunny stuff {for my 2 EB believers} but my kids know what the real reason for the celebration is). After an inspirational church service we went over to my in-laws' house for a delicious prime rib dinner and annual egg hunt for all the cousins. There were a LOT of eggs to be hidden. After trying to be sly and hide the first few, we realized the futility of that and just threw them everywhere. The kids had a blast and then enjoyed the first swim of the year in the slightly heated pool.

Today I'm catching up on orders while keeping an eye on the weather radar. There are some crazy storms happening all around us today!
Chocolate Bunnies
Do you like my new backdrop? It's not real wood, it's photo paper. I wouldn't dare put those precious babies' onesies on old wood and peeling paint! My photography is definitely the weakest link in this whole blog posting thing, so I'm trying to get a little fancier. Too bad it doesn't actually improve my skills any.
Happy Thursday!
A Heart for Africa
Name Pillow
Lake Shirt
Pink and Green Burp Cloth Set
Chocolate Bunny
Easter bunny shirt - $15
With personalization - $20
Random Pictures from my Camera
Whenever I download photos from my camera, it seems there are always some extra pictures taken by a mystery photographer. This time there were even more than usual, ranging from pictures of various family members to a closeup of the kitchen sink. Here is a sampling for your enjoyment: Getting dinner started
Someone added some mini cupcake liners to the photo frames. It seems they
The Name Game
This classic bib/burp set was fun to do. Of course, I chose my favorite girl color scheme to use, and the name Avery has a special significance for me too. Tye and I had SUCH a hard time agreeing on a name for our first child, but we finally came to a happy solution with "Avery Claire". We definitely wanted something unique yet classic, easy to spell/pronounce ("Jere as in Marie" should be tattooed on my forehead) and we didn't know of any other Averys in 2000. Wouldn't you know it, a few weeks before my due date, our church hired a new minister who had a little girl named, of course, Avery!! I know we could have kept the name anyway, but we just really wanted something all our own. So we chose Ava, which had been a close second on our name list, and now we can't imagine her being anything else. The joke's on us, though, because I just checked, and Ava was the 5th most popular girl name in 2009. Avery was 32nd.