The party was a success! It was a lot of work before, during, and after, but I would do it all over again to see the excitement on my little girl's face. She had a Night Owl Pajama Party, and I ordered a lot of the printables and patterns from
here. Tye helped me create the headboard and footboard for the table to turn it into a huge whimsical bed. I don't think I've ever loved him more than when I watched him painstakingly trace and cut out a pillow sham onto cardboard using the projector he brought home from work for just that purpose. Adorable. He also persistently tracked down the huge sheets of cardboard for me without understanding just exactly what I was going to do with them.
We went with several breakfast-type foods, such as mini-donuts, blueberry muffins, pigs-in-blankets, mini-waffles, fruit and chocolate/strawberry milk. Tatum's special request was cheese balls. She couldn't stay away from them after they made it to the table.
I ordered these little felt owls from etsy also, and glued clips to the back for the girls to wear in their hair. See the sprinkles and chocolate on the glass rims?
Tatum was giddy with anticipation waiting for guests to arrive! Everyone wore pajamas, and I'm sure I made quite the first impression in my jammies with several parents whom I had not met before.
These little guys were my constant companions the last week leading up to the party. We spent several late nights together getting them ready to meet their new owners. They each have unique personalities, and came with a little poem describing him or her, as well as an adoption certificate for each little girl to fill out with her new owl friend's name. I grew rather attached to my little owl creations, but was happy to see them go home to their new families. I had hidden glow-in-the-dark stars with numbers on them around the house. Everyone hunted for the stars in the dark and was matched to the owl with the corresponding number that they found. The owl pillows were a big hit with the girls and they all put serious thought into what they would name them.
Snuggle Owl
Wise Owl
Crafty Owl
Sweet Tooth Owl
Dancing Owl
Snowy Owl
Dress-up Owl
Dream Owl
Giggle Owl
This one came with a joke: Knock, knock. Who's there? Owls. Owls who? That's right, owls hoo!! Tatum thought this was hysterical.

Princess Owl
Garden Owl
Sunshine Owl
Musical Owl
Baby Owl (my first attempt that I decided was too small, but we kept it anyway as an extra).

Check out the amazing high-rise fort Tye constructed! It had a separate wing and sparkling pink lights. We laid down lots of sleeping bags and blankets, and threw tons of pillows in for a fun lounging area.
The girls played Freeze Dance in the dark and Pass the Flashlight (think Hot Potato in the dark with a flashlight). I also had bought a little owl craft for them to do but it completely slipped my mind during the party and no one missed it. Everyone got a goodie bag with an owl cookie from
here. They arrived in the mail packaged so securely that not a single speck of sugar was displaced. I'll definitely use her again in the future.
A custom sticker placed on the back thanked for the party-goer for coming.
I didn't include any photos of the attendees in order to protect their privacy, but it was cuh-RAZY loud! 5- and 6-year-old girls have mastered that ear-piercing scream that makes you stop whatever you're doing and cringe. It was sheer pandemonium for 2 1/2 hours but lots of fun was had. After the party ended, we had to tear down everything and clean from top to bottom as fast as possible to prepare for a friend coming in from out of town to go to the World Series baseball game with Tye the next day. Whew! It was tiring, and we ALL took naps the following day, but I loved every minute of it. Happy 6th Birthday, sweet girl!