Twirl Skirt - $25
The Twirl Skirt
Christmas Wrap-up
Tye began the tradition several years ago of celebrating "The 12 Days of Christmas" with the girls by leaving a small gift in their stockings each day beginning 12 days before Christmas. They're usually funny, inexpensive items but sometimes they're a little more substantial. This year he was extra sneaky and left something in my stocking several of the days as well. It helps build the anticipation of Christmas Day, as well as provide him the opportunity to spoil all 4 of his girls.
I hope you all had a memorable Christmas. I'm anxious to get back into the swing of things again, especially since Santa brought The Chocolate Zebra a new addition! I'll be back soon with details.
Coffee and a Frame
The coffee canister was a request by my mother-in-law, which I thought was a pretty ingenious use for it since it is airtight. I took a similar route and made ours a marshmallow container for the "hot chocolate station" on the kitchen island. The marshmallows do tend to disappear faster, though, since they're sitting right out in the open like that, but they look really cute and festive.
The frame is a little hard to see since it's all packaged up and ready to go, but I didn't want to untie everything just for a better picture. The scripture is James 1:17 -- "Every good and perfect gift is from above." Very fitting for any occasion, but never more appropriate than at Christmas time.
Cleaning Out
The big sister shirt is a size XS or 5. It's $20. I think it would make the perfect way to announce a new pregnancy to the family on Christmas morning. Anyone?
The "h" pillow is a smaller version of my traditional pillow. It measures 12" by 12" and is $15. The "levi" pillow is my regular size of 11" by 21" and is $25.
Getting Caught Up
I'm still accepting orders until Sunday, so don't wait to order! I also have a weird feeling that my email may not be working completely, because there are several people I've contacted and haven't heard back from. If you've tried to email me and haven't gotten a response, please leave a comment on a blogpost letting me know. I hate the feeling that there might be customers out there drumming their fingers waiting on me to reply and I don't know it.
Custom Pillows
I didn't quite make my self-imposed deadline to clear my dry erase board this week but I'm getting close. I've had a few other events that kept me away from my sewing machine, but I plan to have a very productive weekend with my friends Caffeine and Keurig.
Christmas Canisters

My goal this week is to complete every order on my dry erase board (no small feat, by the way!). If you have an order pending with me, I hope to get it finished by Friday. I may have to give up sleep this week, but I'm determined to catch up so I can enjoy the start of this Christmas season.
I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. Happy Monday!
Ready-to-Ship Pillows
The pictures loaded in reverse order so I'm sorry you have to see the back of the pillow first. These festive pillows are left over from the trunk show a couple of weeks ago and are ready to ship to whoever claims them first. They are $25 each plus $6 shipping. The dimensions are about 11"x21"x6", and the back of each pillow is zebra print. As soon as I receive payment I'll get them in the mail. Just comment on this post or email me that you want one and I'll send it on its way to you.
A Thanksgiving wrap-up post is coming soon but I wanted to get the word out on these first!
Hot Pink and Chocolate
An Update

The trunk show was a great success and I enjoyed seeing lots of friends and meeting many new customers. I had several custom orders but the tooth fairy pillows were the star of the evening. Who knew? I have several pre-made Christmas items left over that I will list in the next couple of days for anyone interested. They're ready to ship, so if you need an early gift, this is just for you! I'm still pretty backlogged so I'm not quite ready to open back up for orders, but if I make some headway this week I'll consider it. I remember vividly last Christmas being so completely swamped with orders and a nervous wreck about deadlines that I didn't really enjoy the season with my own family. I'm being much more vigilant and jealous of my time with my girls this year, so please understand my reasons for doing it.
I made these turkey shirts last week but didn't have time to post them on the blog for custom order. I whipped Tatum's out the night before her school Thanksgiving feast, took her picture bright and early the next morning and got to school to find out that it was the following Thursday. Great -- love being that mom. So she got to wear her Thanksgiving dress from last year for the feast. I made the other set for a customer who requested them for her 3 kids. I know they will be adorable on Thursday in their matching turkey shirts.
I'll be back soon with some new items!
Whoa Nellie!
Okay, I am officially overwhelmed. I've had so many orders come in over the last few days that I need to suspend any new orders until further notice. I'm also preparing for a trunk show next week. Depending on how many orders I receive there, I may not be able to accept more until after Christmas. That's a bummer, I know. I had big plans to showcase some cute new Christmas items, but now I'll be glad to just finish my existing backlog on time. I truly appreciate all of you and wish I could accommodate every order I receive, but I know myself too well. If I don't stop the floodgates now I will be a complete wreck in about 3 weeks, with my house in disarray and my sweet family trying to help me but wishing I hadn't overcommitted myself.
If I've responded to your email already, I still have you in the line-up. Unfortunately, any orders I receive after today will be on hold until I'm caught up. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I know my limits, and I'm there. I'll still post new and finished items, and hopefully I'll be back up to speed soon. Thanks so much for your understanding!
If I've responded to your email already, I still have you in the line-up. Unfortunately, any orders I receive after today will be on hold until I'm caught up. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I know my limits, and I'm there. I'll still post new and finished items, and hopefully I'll be back up to speed soon. Thanks so much for your understanding!